May 7, 2012

Toilet Paper Rolls Re-Used

I really... really... don't enjoy cleaning my house. Who enjoys it anyway? We have around 970 SF and I can't keep up with it all the time. What will I do when we move to a bigger house one day. EEK!

I told myself I'd fold towels, put laundry away, wash laundry, and put the kids laundry away, all after I got off work. This is on top of cooking dinner and cleaning up the mess I left in the kitchen this morning. Wishful thinking.

Instead I decided to do something fun with my daughter today. There will always be a new mess to clean, but I don't always get to sit outside and do something fun with the kids. I'm trying to build good memories for them. So, about an hour before I got off work I decided to hit up the craft store for some supplies. I set up a table outside in the shade and we made pictures. She was a little surprised to see we were using toilet paper rolls. She asked why but I couldn't explain that I saw it on Pinterest. She doesn't understand Pinterest yet. Maybe next year.

Here is the start of our adventure.

You can see my long canvas on the table. I painted it black before Halle got home from her grandma's house. Her smaller white canvas is ready. I folded the toilet paper rolls in half and then cut them in half inch strips. I pre-painted them for her and I so that she wouldn't be too impatient waiting for them.

She was very surprised to see a craft set in front of our house. She was pleased.

She's painting the sky on her canvas. Then she adds grass with green. At this point I have glued her pink toilet paper roll pieces together. I couldn't snap all of the steps because paint and glue don't mix with a digital camera. I can just imagine what my husband would say to me if I broke it, "See this is why we don't have nice things". LOL

I used crazy glue to make sure it would stay for the long haul. It wasn't easy to do with the pipe cleaner. It kept sticking to my fingers. (I found plastic gloves in the garage when I was cleaning our mess)

We started to lose sunlight and of course my girl wasn't going to be patient forever, so I didn't get far on my own project. I will have to finish it when she isn't home.

Halle's art turned out GREAT and it is now hanging in her room. I look forward to keeping it for years. Every time we see it, we'll remember the day we had fun doing something new instead of going inside and cleaning the house.

1 comment:

  1. Spotless homes are for unhappy people. Nani!


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