Mar 20, 2012

Beads are a Girl’s Best Friend

Last night I let Halle stay up to make a necklace using her bead kit. It was a birthday gift from her friend Max. She surprised me with her concentration and skill in necklace creation. She made a pattern and both sides were symmetrical. It was fun. I promised her that she could wear it to school the next day. When we finished she said, “Mommy, do you think this should be a project I do with my Nani (her super fun auntie) or with you?” I replied that it’s up to her. She surprised me again when she said that she wanted to do it with me “It will be our project.” It warmed my heart because although I’m her mom and she loves me, I know that I’m normally known as the fun police. Her Nani is the equivalent of all things fun in her world.

This morning she made me a necklace as well and I promised to wear it to work. I kept my word and wore it proudly. My mom picked her up from school and Halle told her “Grandma, I still have my necklace. I didn’t take it off. Every time I look at it I always remember my mommy”.

Oh how my heart melts when she says such sweet things. Children are so pure and honest.


  1. I could cry. Oh how I love that girl. Even though I wasn't chosen, I'm glad I was considered. Our thing will continue to be silly games and Farmer's Market.


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