Nov 11, 2015


I had the pleasure of attending Drew Barrymore's book signing for her newly released "Wildflower". She has a fun personality and was a joy to listen to. I was moved by her personal stories that she shared with our group and I hadn't yet read them in full detail. I am very glad she came to our bookstore.

Her life story fascinates me. It is unthinkable to me that a child can become a partier and use drugs and alcohol. Even more fascinating is her ability to turn all of it around by herself. She emancipated herself at 14 and became an adult without parental guidance. She didn't just survive, she eventually thrived and is now telling her stories in the book Wildflower. Each chapter is a story that she finds significant to her life's path. Each story tells a lesson she learned or shows the impact of people in her life, such as Steven Spielberg. The chapters are not in chronological order. At her signing she explained that the book is a long love letter to her children. She understands they will hear about her untraditional childhood and mistakes. This is her way of sharing what she has learned.

I can appreciate that from her journey she learned what kind of a person and mother she needs to be. It seems that she doesn't take her position in life forgranted. As she said, she had the perfect example of what not to do as a mom. Some people don't realize that like she did, and the cycle continues. Applause to Drew for growing up without parents but instead relying on good friends and mentors. She is fortunate to have risen above her early mistakes.

This is an easy read. You can pick it up at any passing moment. If you're interested in how a child grew up to fast and yet became a responsible adult, I recommend the book. I also recommend watching "Ever After". I think it was her best movie.

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